Accident & Personal Injury
Our Personal Injury Department deals with a large number of cases each year involving all manner of claims from minor road traffic accident to catastrophic injury claims, as well as claims for medical negligence.
With our wealth of experience we are able to advise you as to the prospects of success of your claim and the level of damages to which you may be entitled.
Whilst most cases are successfully pursued through negotiation, some have to be litigated in Court and we can do that on your behalf.
The vast majority of claims are funded through NO WIN NO FEE agreements which means you will not be put to any expense in pursuing your claims. We can also take out insurance for you, again at no cost, to ensure that there is no risk at all to you being out of pocket.
Please contact:
Simon P.P Ward
Elizabeth C. Sandelands
Michael T. Sandelands
Michelle Holliday
Suzanne Webb
Rachel Murphy
James Youdale
Kelsey Walters
Our Solicitors and Legal Executives pride themselves in the knowledge that the majority of their clients come to them because of their professional and client focused reputation.