Friday 20 March 2020
First and foremost we hope that you and all your colleagues, families and friends are well and unaffected by the Coronavirus.
We are closely monitoring, and being guided by UK Government advice on how to deal with the current outbreak.
We would like to reassure you that we have contingency plans in place to enable us to continue to work. We have already implemented changes to current working practices. We will be operating for the moment with a mix of staff working from home while some staff remain in the office. All colleagues have full access to their files and will continue to work on the same as required.
We will be making continued and increased use of telephone and video conferencing facilities where appropriate. We can link with the Courts, Land Registry and Probate Registry, remotely. Matrimonial Court hearings at the moment are proceeding remotely and we are already successfully doing this.
We have our working practice under constant review and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Our Solicitors and Legal Executives pride themselves in the knowledge that the majority of their clients come to them because of their professional and client focused reputation.